Rules and Guidelines for Campers
CAMP HOST CONTACT – For any issues or questions, please contact us at 403-485-1014.
ACCOUNTABILITY – It is each camper’s responsibility to read, understand and follow the Campground Rules. Failing to follow the Campground Rules will result in a warning, additional charges or eviction.
RAILWAY EQUIPMENT – There is absolutely no climbing allowed on the caboose cabins, train, railway artifacts, or any other building. Climbing or playing on any structure is trespassing and is very dangerous. Failing to follow this rule will result in immediate eviction.
RAILWAY TRACKS – No playing on/near the railway tracks. All persons must cross at the designated crossings, look both ways and listen. Cross only when it is safe to do so.
CHILDREN – Parents are responsible for their children and will be held accountable if their children fail to comply with any of the Campground Rules. Never leave your children unattended. The playground is open, but please note that this amenity is NOT sanitized NOR monitored, so we do ask that you supervise your children.
No climbing is allowed on the caboose cabins, train, railway artifacts, or any other buildings.
CHECK-IN – After 4:00 p.m. Please go directly to your site, get set up, and enjoy your time at Aspen Crossing.
CHECK-OUT – before 2 p.m.
CAMPSITES – 11:00 p.m. is quiet time, please keep noise to a minimum after this time. Leave your site clean and dispose of all trash in dumpsters located around the campground.
Burning anything other than firewood in the designated fire rings is prohibited. This includes plastics, rubber, food scraps, or garbage of any kind. Fires in the designated fire ring only, and fires must not reach a height greater than 24″. No obnoxious behaviour will be tolerated, even within the confines of a campsite.
FIREWORKS – We have a designated firework area. You must check with the camp hosts for conditions and any bans prior to using it. Consumer-grade fireworks only. All campers should be aware that the fireworks site may be used by campers on any night. Please make sure all pets are secured since fireworks may startle them. Fireworks can be purchased at the campground store.
PET POLICY – Pets are welcome at Aspen Crossing campground. Pets must be kept on a leash and under control at all times. This includes barking, growling, whining, etc. Pets should not be left unattended or outside at any time without an owner present. Campers are responsible for cleaning up after their pets! Pets are not allowed on the beach or in the water at Sunrise Lagoon.
BOOKINGS – All reservations will require full payment unless it is for a group (see below). 3 night minimum applies for any long weekend. Additional units (tents, tent trailers, small RV’S etc.) in the campsite will be subject to a $28.00/night charge. There are no refunds for early departure or for poor weather conditions once paid.
GROUP BOOKINGS – The facility fee, damage deposit and your site due at the time of booking. Your group can then call in and pay for their individual sites. Unused or unsold sites in your group will be automatically released through our booking system and available to the public 6 weeks before your reservation starts. Damage deposits are returned at the end of the stay after inspection of damage and cleanliness. All sites must be paid in at the time of booking.
CANCELLATION – If a group needs to cancel, it will need to be done 7 days prior to arrival to receive a refund. Individual parties need to cancel 1 week before your arrival to receive a refund. Cancellations made within seven days of booking dates will not receive a refund UNLESS we book your site with another party. If we can’t, your full fees will be charged to you. A $12 transaction fee is applied for any refund.
No refunds for weather-related issues including, but not limited to, power outages.
The visitor assumes and accepts all risks incidental to the activity of camping and use of any Aspen Crossing facilities including, but not limited to, injury by insects or animals, swimming, playground, play area equipment, and weather conditions and do not hold Aspen Crossing, the owner, or employees liable for injuries or property damages resulting from such causes.
Violation of any rule or law is grounds for potential removal from Aspen Crossing without refund.
Out of respect for our fellow campers, please DISPOSE OF YOUR GARBAGE in the designated dumpsters.
Recycle bins are located throughout the campground.

FIRES – Firewood is available for purchase and campsite delivery
Burning anything other than firewood in the designated fire rings is prohibited.
Fires must not reach a height greater than 24”
SERVICES: WASHROOMS, LAUNDRY – Laundry facilities available at the Campstore with outside 24 hour access.
FOR Aspen Crossing Tavern ORDERING & DELIVERIES, please TEXT your order to (403)485-1073 (minimum $30 order) for delivery “right to your site”.
FOR ASSISTANCE, or for WOOD and ICE deliveries please call our Camp hosts at 403-485-1014.