What Days And Times Will Polar Express™ Be Running?

The event will be running from November 22 to December 24th. The train will be departing at 4:30 pm, 6:00 pm, and 7:30 pm on all scheduled days. To see a detailed list of available dates please check out our booking page.

What Does The Polar Express™ Ticket Include?

Each ticket includes a round-trip train ride to the North Pole. Each ticketed passenger is served hot chocolate and a cookie by the Polar Express™ Chefs. Santa will board the train at the North Pole, and as we head back to the station, Santa walk through each car to give out the “first gift of Christmas”, (a silver sleigh bell) to each child.

Where Do I Pick Up My Tickets?

All tickets will be held at the Station Gift Shop and you will receive them when you have checked in prior to boarding. Tickets will be filed under the name of the person who originally purchased them.

Why are Polar tickets only sold in pairs or groups of 4?

In order to maximize our seating space, and to allow families to all sit together, we only sell by pairs or groups of four. This guarantees that all your family is together on the seats as purchased and not split between tables or seated with strangers. If your family is not an even number, we suggest teaming up with another family and purchase your tickets together, to best utilize the seating configurations.

What Is The Royalty Fee?

It is the partnership fee implemented by Warner Brothers to host The Polar Express™.

Can I Change The Date Of My ticket?

We will do our absolute best to accommodate your needs but the ability to change dates is highly subjective to the number of available seats we have left. Polar Express™ is a popular event that usually sells out. We require a minimum of 30 days’ notice for any changes to be made.

When Should I Arrive? 

We recommended showing up 30 – 45 minutes prior to your train departure. This allows ample time for your party to check in and receive your tickets. 

What Should I Wear? 

We recommend dressing appropriately for the weather. Matching Christmas jammies are encouraged! 

Are Strollers, Car Seats, Or Walkers Allowed On The Train? 

Due to tighter hallways and laneways on the rail cars, we kindly ask you to leave all of these items in the greenhouse during your train ride. If you require any special assistance, please call our front desk prior to your arrival so that we can prepare accordingly.  

Is The Train Experience Wheelchair Accessible? 

Due to the vintage nature of the train cars and the narrow hallways, we are unfortunately unable to accommodate wheelchairs. 

Do You Sell Official Polar Express™ Merchandise?

We sure do! Our gift shop and greenhouse are stocked with all your favorite holiday goodies, including the exclusive Polar Express™ pajamas!

Where Can I Eat? 

Both our Dining Car and Tavern will be open, and only available by reservation, two hours before your train ride. You can book your reservation by calling 1-(866)440-3500 today.

Where Is It Located? 

Aspen Crossing is located 1 km west of Mossleigh and 45 minutes southeast of Calgary. 

Do The Trains Ever Get Cancelled Due To Weather? 

The Polar Express ™ will run no matter what the weather conditions are. However, if Highway 24 is closed near Aspen Crossing then the train excursion will be canceled for that evening.

How Long Is It? 

The Polar Express™ Train Ride is approximately 60 minutes.

Is There A Parking Fee?

There is FREE parking located at the Station as well as our larger lot in front of the Tavern.

Where Can I Buy Polar Express™ Tickets?